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One Song Music Lesson

單曲鋼琴 (個別) 課程

單曲鋼琴 (個別) 課程 -輕鬆演奏你的最愛

很多人心中都有自己喜愛的歌曲,可以是古典、可以是電影主題曲、也可以是流行、日劇、韓劇⋯⋯ 無論這些歌曲是什麼類別或者背後有沒有寓意,我們相信同學完成學習並能用雙手親自彈奏,比起只是開著音樂聆聽更有價值。




以下是同學常見的問題,如需要進一步了解,歡迎透過文字Whatsapp 至6611 4800查詢有關詳情。

  • 音樂教室的位置在哪裡?Where is the location of the music centre?
    我們位於中環的心臟地帶,在地標中環街市側,可以透過港鐵、電車或巴士等交通工具輕鬆到達。我們的位置鄰近中環國際金融中心、恒生總行及中環中心,您可以使用網頁底部的地圖來即時導航。 以下是前往本行的交通及路線建議: 中環渡輪碼頭:由中環渡輪碼頭步行,經國際金融中心約10分鐘到達。 地鐵:乘搭港鐵中環站(荃灣綫)C出口或香港站(東涌綫)D出口出站,步行約5分鐘到達。 巴士:乘搭巴士到達中環街市,步行約2分鐘到達。 的士:在車上告知司機您前往地點並在中環街市側,司機會帶您到達目的地。 步行:如果您在中環附近居住或工作,步行前往中環街市是非常方便。根據您的位置,步行時間可能會有所不同。 We are located in the heart of Central, adjacent to the landmark Central Market, and can be easily accessed by various transportation modes such as MTR, tram, or bus. Our location is close to the International Finance Centre, Hang Seng bank headquarters, and the Center. You can use the map at the bottom of our webpage for real-time navigation. Here are some transportation and route suggestions to reach our office: Central Ferry Pier: Walk from the Central Ferry Pier and it takes around 10 minutes via the International Finance Centre to reach our centre. MTR: Take the MTR to Central Station (Tsuen Wan Line) exit C, or Hong Kong Station (Tung Chung Line) exit D, and it only takes around 5 minutes by foot to reach our centre. Bus: Take a bus to Central Market and walk around 2 minutes to reach our centre. Taxi: Tell the driver to take you to our location on the Central Market side. Walk: If you live or work nearby, walking to our centre is very convenient. Walking times may vary depending on your location.
  • 如何查詢音樂課程?How can I inquire about music courses?
    有關音樂課程內容,您可以先瀏覽我們的網頁。如果需要進一步的查詢,請透過文字Whatsapp至6611 4800或透過電郵聯絡我們。 Regarding the content of our music courses, you can browse our website for more information. If you require further assistance, please contact us via Whatsapp messaging at 6611 4800 or email.
  • 需要親身前往學習中心付款報名嗎?Do I need to go to the learning centre in person to make payment and enroll?
    不需要。我們的報名手續簡便,我們會透過Whatsapp向您提供多種可使用的銀行轉賬或網上付款方法,確定課堂時間後,您只需在指定的時間內繳交學費即可。 No, you do not need. Our enrollment process is straightforward, and we will provide you with various bank transfer or online payment methods through Whatsapp. Once the class schedule is confirmed, you only need to submit the tuition fee within the specified time.
  • 報名的流程是怎樣的?What is the enrollment process?
    您可以按照以下步驟進行報名: 透過 WhatsApp 把您的課程問題,使用文字發送至 6611 4800,我們會盡快回覆您。 您需要提供數個可供學習的時段。 我們會嘗試安排課堂在您所選的上課時段。 在確定上課時間後,請在指定期限內付款並完成報名確認程序。 Here are the steps to enroll: Send your course inquiries to us via WhatsApp using text messages at 6611 4800. We will respond to you as soon as we can. Please provide us with several time slots that are available for your learning. We will try our best to arrange classes within your selected time slots. After confirming the class schedule, please make the payment and complete the registration confirmation process within the specified deadline.
  • 學費應如何繳交?How can I pay the tuition fee?
    我們會透過Whatsapp向您提供多種可使用的銀行轉賬或網上付款方法,或可參考網頁上的有關資料。 We will provide you with various bank transfer or online payment methods through Whatsapp, or you can refer to the relevant information on our website.
  • 如果我決定要報名上課,是否可以在第一堂課上付款?If I decide to enroll in the course, can I make the payment on the first lesson?
    很抱歉,我們不能接受在第一堂課上時才付款。為了確保您的報名資格,請在指定的時間內完成付款和報名手續確定。 we cannot accept payment on the first lesson. To confirm your enrollment, please make the payment and complete the registration process within the specified time."
  • 如果上課遲到,是否可以要求補回遺失的時間?Can students request to make up for the lost time due to being late for class?
    我們希望所有學生都能準時出席課程,以充分利用學習機會。然而,我們不會安排補回遲到的時間,因為這可能對其他學生造成不便,並且不利於課程進度的管理。因此,我們建議您在上課前預留足夠的時間,以確保您能按時出席課程。 We hope that all students can attend classes on time to fully utilize the learning opportunities. However, we do not arrange make-up time for latecomers as this may inconvenience other students and interfere with the management of the course schedule. Therefore, we recommend that you allocate enough time before class to ensure that you can attend the class on time.
  • 個別音樂課堂是否可以請假?Can I take a leave of absence from private music lessons?
    如為個別課程,您需要在課堂開始前48小時通知我們才能取消或更改預約。若在48小時內或課堂當日未能出席,不論原因是什麼,我們將無法提供補課。 對於小組課程,若同學請假或缺席,我們不會為其提供額外的補課機會。因此,我們建議您盡可能安排好您的時間表,以確保您能夠充分參加所有的課程。 If you need to cancel or reschedule a booking for an individual class, you must notify us at least 48 hours before the class start time. If you are unable to attend the class within 48 hours or on the day of the class, for any reason, we will not be able to provide make-up classes. For group courses, we do not offer any additional make-up classes for students who are absent or on leave. Therefore, we recommend that you schedule your time wisely to ensure that you can fully participate in all of the scheduled classes.
  • 是否可以要求指定特定的老師上課?Can I request a specific teacher for my class?
    當然可以。您可以在報名前向我們提出要求,安排指定或朋友介紹的老師上課。我們將盡力安排。 Of course you can. You can make a request before registering to arrange for a specific or recommended teacher to teach your class. We will do our best to accommodate your request.
  • 在個別課程中,老師是否會每次更換?Will the teacher change for each session in individual classes?
    對於個別課程,除非同學要求更換老師,否則每次必定由同一位老師授課,以確保學習進度不受影響。我們會盡力安排同一位老師來教授您的課程,並確保老師能夠提供一致的教學質素和風格。 For individual classes, the same teacher will teach each session unless a student requests a change to a different teacher. This is to ensure that the learning progress is not affected. We will do our best to arrange for the same teacher to teach your course and ensure that the teacher can provide consistent quality teaching and style.
  • 可否試堂? Does your centre provide trial classes?
    我們非常重視學生的學習體驗,但是一個短暫的試堂並不能完全展示課程的內容和風格。每堂課的效果需要時間來累積,因此單獨的一堂課無法完全反映學生或老師的效果。此外,我們的老師時間比較緊密,我們希望他們能夠專注於教學,因此我們不提供試堂的服務。 私人課程大多以四堂課繳交學費一次,我們鼓勵學生直接報名私人課程,以便更好地安排學習計劃和課程內容,並在學習過程中逐步提高。 此外,我們的老師會根據學生的學習進度調整教學內容,確保學生能夠真正掌握知識和技能。這樣的學習方式不僅能夠提高學生的學習效果,也能夠讓學生更好地適應課程內容,進而更好地完成學習目標。因此,我們相信,直接報名私人課程是一個更好的選擇。 We highly value the learning experience of our students, but a brief trial class cannot fully showcase the content and style of the course. The effectiveness of each class requires time to accumulate, so a single class cannot entirely reflect the student or teacher's performance. In addition, our teachers have tight schedules, and we hope they can concentrate on teaching. Therefore, we do not offer trial classes. Private classes usually require payment for four classes. We encourage students to directly register for private classes so that they can better arrange their learning plan and course content and gradually improve during the learning process. Furthermore, our teachers will adjust the teaching content according to the student's learning progress to ensure that the student can genuinely master the knowledge and skills. This learning approach can not only improve the student's learning effectiveness but also enable them to better adapt to the course content and eventually achieve their learning goals. Therefore, we believe that directly registering for private classes is a better choice.

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Promotional letters must be sent to:

GPO 10239 Central. Hong Kong.

繆斯琴行® 學習中心地址 (不收任何宣傳信件)

香港中環 租庇利街 1 號 喜訊大廈705室  (敬請預約)

​Muse Music Learning center addresses (do not

accept promotional letters)

Rm 705, Haleson Building,

No.1 Jubilee Street, Central, Hong Kong.

(Appointment is required)


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交通建議 Transportation suggestions

中環站 C 出口

香港站 D 出口 - 步行約3分鐘

Central Station Exit C
Hong Kong Station Exit D - approximately 3 minutes' walk

鄰近大廈及地標 Nearby buildings and landmarks

中環街市文創藝術地標  Central Market

中環中心 The Center

國際金融中心 IFC

恒生總行 Hang Seng Headquarter

​星展銀行 DBS Bank


6611 4800

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2115 9308

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